Hi, my name is Sonu Bhadana
I'm a Full Stack Developer and ML enthusiast.

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MERN Stack Developer and skilled in Back-end development. Adept to end to end software design and development including requirement setup and integration testing. Machine Learning enthusiast and experienced in model building and testing.

Looking for Internship Opportunities.

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The SOS+ system project is a software application that provides a facility for reporting crimes online. The proposed system specifically looks into the subject of Crime Records Management as well as for emergencies. Users can SOS signals through the application online.

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This is a flask API built for easy and fast Text Summarization. You can summarize any English text to your requirement by specifying the summary percent. It also support document summarization. One can upload a .txt document a download the summarized One.

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It is a platform for Developers to engage with each other and share their experience. Users can share their projects and Resume for better opportunities. Users can form groups for better engagement.

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SUM-XT extension

This is a chrome extension for students and learners who want to effectively extract the useful information from any website or article. You can select any part/whole article for summarization. Upload option is given for document summarization.

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